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My Works, Books, Plays, Literary Journals

Elegy for Ebbets  Baseball On and Off the Diamond 2019


I wanted to let you know that Pint Size Publications just published my latest collection Elegy For Ebbets: Baseball on and off the Diamond. The press also publishes the journal Sport Literate.


This is a book I've been working on for many years. It uses baseball in one form or another as a lens to look at larger life issues. It contains seven essay/memoirs--three previously published works and four new ones. The pieces focus on the influence baseball has had in helping to shape the teacher, writer, and adult self I've subsequently become. The collection includes works about childhood, adolescence, college, marriage, teaching, aging, and writing.


The book's price is $12.50 and you can order copies through Pint Size Publications  or  Amazon Prime




Living in Michigan, Dreaming Manhattan: Selected Essays and Memoirs 1990-2015.

Eleven selected personal essays and memoirs on/about childhood, baseball, place, aging, travel, teaching, and writing

Still Pitching: A Memoir

Still Pitching is a coming-of-age memoir about being an adolescent outsider, about the fierce drive and determination to become a baseball pitcher, about being a die-hard Brooklyn Dodger fan during an era that sports historians still refer to as "the golden age of New York baseball," and about what it felt like to grow up Jewish in New York City in the 50's. At another level, it is about desire and yearning, determination and resilience. Still Pitching focuses not on heroic deeds but on the achievements and satisfactions that result from the human struggle to keep on striving.

Winner, 2003 ForeWord Magazine Independent Press Memoir of the Year.

Chosen by The American Association of University Presses for inclusion in Books Selected for School Libraries.

Cited by the Melton Center For Jewish Studies for inclusion in The American Jewish Story in Print.

Peninsula: Essays and Memoirs From Michigan

A collection of essays and memoirs by 37 Michigan writers commenting on the many aspects of this multi-faceted state.

Finalist Foreword Magazine, 2000 Anthology of the Year
and the 2000 Great Lakes Booksellers Anthology of the Year.

The Fourth Genre: Contemporary Writers of/on Creative Nonfiction Robert Root/Michael Steinberg

Co-edited with Robert L. Root, Jr.

Now in its fifth edition, this anthology of/on creative nonfiction contains essays and memoirs by a wide variety of writers as well as discussions on/about the process of writing creative nonfiction. Adopted by many colleges and universities, it is widely recognized as one of the standard teaching text in the field.

I'm Almost Famous (stage play) Bob Baldori/Michael Steinberg

An endearing often ridiculous look at the career of a rock singer/blues piano player who tries to make his way through the music business of the 60’s and 70’s without having to sell his soul.

Those Who Do, Can: Teachers Writing, Writers Teaching -- A Sourcebook Robert Root/ Michael Steinberg

A sourcebook based on The Traverse Bay Writing Workshop for Teachers, from 1986-1993, where K-college educators attended sessions in creative writing and pedagogy. The book offers an inside-out view of teaching based on the premise that to effectively teach writing, a teacher should have some experience as a writer.

Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction (Founding Editor)

Fourth Genre is one of the three literary journals solely devoted to publishing quality literary nonfiction. The journal also offers discussions of the form, interviews with well known writers and teachers, and reviews of current and past books.
Fourth Genre

The Writer's Way: A Process-to-Product Approach to Writing Michael Steinberg/ Clinton S. Burhans

The Writer's Way: A Process-To-Product Approach to Writing is based on the philosophical shift from traditional "product-centered" approach to a process-to-product model. The text is written directly to the student-writer. As they write selected personal/expressive, academic, and real world pieces, students gain experience in all phases of the composing process, from rehearsal and brainstorming through rough, revised, and edited drafts, to proofread final drafts.